Klackers (Print in place)

Klackers (Print in place)


Print in Place Klackers! =================== You can find a new, easier to print version of the Klackers here: https://thangs.com/3dprintingworld/PrintNPlace-Klackers-24635 Now that I have the design of my 3D printed printer done I can finally get back to designing the silly things that are so much more fun! These will make a great toy for your kids but I also find them as a great fidget toy for adults too. My daughter came home one day with some toy klackers and I thought it would be a really fun print. I like the challenge of designing print in place objects and I thought it would be a good candidate. It took me a while to figure out but I finally did and they work great! ###Print Settings I found there is one important key to printing these successfully, you must enable z-hop or vertical lift. I had several failed prints until I realized this. Without this enabled when the nozzle would move from one klacker to the other it would pull on the klacker horizontally causing it to break loose from the bed. Once I enabled t his I had a 100% success rate. It is also necessary that the first layer be squished to the bed so the klacker arms don't come loose as the print nears completion. No supports are needed! The other thing you can do if you want to save filament is to print the bottom 50mm with 3 perimeters and 15% infill with one process, then print above 50mm with 3 perimeters and 100% infill with another process. You will get a bigger sound with more infill. I have also included the parts separated as I thought it would be cool printed in three colors but I don't have a MMU but if you do please give it a try and post your make. ###Getting them to Klack If you are having a hard time getting them to clack I found the easiest way to get them started is to set them flat on a table so the klackers are spread out and as you pick them up off the table whip them back down to make them klack. There are two techniques; the single klack and the double klack shown at the beginning of the video. ###Filament Links Please consider supporting more fun projects like this by using the amazon affiliate links below. I went thru several failed prints before perfecting the design so any support is greatly appreciated! If you are interested, below are some links for the filament I used to make the klackers shown in the picture. Blue: https://www.amazon.com/3D-Solutech-Filament-Dimensional-Accuracy/dp/B00ME7A1II/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1542935992&sr=8-3&keywords=pla+solutech+blue&linkCode=sl1&tag=3dprintingwor-20&linkId=40fa6d5e2a96e2914c27f35dbd6eec10&language=en_US/ Green: https://www.amazon.com/3D-Solutech-Filament-Dimensional-Accuracy/dp/B00ME7A1II/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1542935992&sr=8-3&keywords=pla+solutech+blue&linkCode=sl1&tag=3dprintingwor-20&linkId=40fa6d5e2a96e2914c27f35dbd6eec10&language=en_US Red: https://www.amazon.com/3D-Solutech-Filament-Dimensional-Accuracy/dp/B00ME7A1II/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1542935992&sr=8-3&keywords=pla+solutech+blue&linkCode=sl1&tag=3dprintingwor-20&linkId=40fa6d5e2a96e2914c27f35dbd6eec10&language=en_US Pink: https://www.amazon.com/3D-Solutech-Filament-Dimensional-Accuracy/dp/B00ME7A1II/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1542935992&sr=8-3&keywords=pla+solutech+blue&linkCode=sl1&tag=3dprintingwor-20&linkId=40fa6d5e2a96e2914c27f35dbd6eec10&language=en_US White: https://www.amazon.com/3D-Solutech-Filament-Dimensional-Accuracy/dp/B00ME7A1II/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1542935992&sr=8-3&keywords=pla+solutech+blue&linkCode=sl1&tag=3dprintingwor-20&linkId=40fa6d5e2a96e2914c27f35dbd6eec10&language=en_US Video https://youtu.be/Lgqebz4iSWk 12/9/18 - Issues where reported with the arms breaking so I added a "Heavy" version with larger diameter arms. It will allow for four perimeters. I am no longer posting new models here and have moved to Thangs. If you want to see my new stuff or looking for support or updates of my existing models, please look for me there. https://thangs.com/3dprintingworld







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