Elastic Strung c3po Doll

Elastic Strung c3po Doll


This is a little doll I made for my kids for Christmas. It is an elastic cord strung doll. This makes it durable, with strong joins that do not break. I use a simple elastic cord you can buy at any craft store or Walmart. I put a dot of glue at the end of the knot to ensure it stays. Play around with how tight you like the elastic. Looser makes it so the doll can sit and wiggle more, tighter makes him hold shape better. These are a lot of fun to paint. Includes a BB8 Doll for C3P0 to play with. This is a work and progress. It prints great at .2 with no supports needed. Check out my other elastic strung dolls: Bear - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3262292 Cute Fox - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3233562



