case - DSO138 mini oscilloscope 001

case - DSO138 mini oscilloscope 001


2018-11-24--00-30-04 - A case for the DSO138Mini oscilloscope. - IMPORTANT: NOT the "H" version, and probably NOT clones. Official Manual: shows title of "DN138-12v02" and Model: 13805K - if your DSO138 does not precisely match this model it will not fit in this case. The model this thing is for does not have a power switch, which is why the BOM below adds one. The model this thing is for has slightly rounded square edges on the PCB, not large trimmed corners. This should make it visually apparent which one you have. - Superseded by But maybe still useful if you need a simpler case. None of the improvements in the newer version flow back into this one... at this time...Consider this an abandoned design that still works ok for these (USB/XH) power port solutions. - Supports BNC probe connector, USB and XH power ports - Needs 4*M2.5x20mm bolts and hex nuts Drill/cut out the single layer 'blocking' the four M2.5 nut recesses in the base. It's there to force bridging so it doesn't need supports. - Works for me: Print at 0.4mm nozzle, 0.2mm layers, otherwise all design tolerances will be wrong. It is a good idea (maybe essential) to specify 0.4mm wide outer perimeters in your slicer. PLA works fine.






