Spirograph Knot
Spirograph drawings stretched into third dimension. note - to make a 2D spirograph (or other curve), set the vz (z scaling) to zero This is a Customizer of Kit Wallace's Knots: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2257185 http://kitwallace.co.uk/3d/knot.xq with the formulas changed to formulas from: "Customizable curve generator" by kakaroto https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:50249 to use, start with Sides low and Steps high, this will show a rough knot quickly. Play with the parameters until satisfied. Then set Sides high and Steps low. This will take a lot longer but give a much smoother result. Then click on the "Create Thing" button. Note - sometime you will get a knot with "breaks", particularly with epicycloid and hypocycloid. Sometimes it helps to set Open=true. print with supports note - if you use a small rope diameter or low perimeters, you may have trouble separating the supports without breaking the model