Leather Belt Template
I've seen pictures of other peoples 3D printed belt templates online, but I couldn't find an STL. I am a total amateur so if someone has a better template, please share! This is a template for a 1.5" wide belt. Place this template on the strap, mark with an awl and then cut or punch according to your markings. If anyone is interested in other widths, I can add those too. The distance between the end of the leather and the first hole on the holes end should be 2". Each hole is 6 mm and is 0.75" apart. With the 9 hole version, this gives you 6 inches of adjustment in the belt. I made a shorter version initially, but then realized I could get all 9 holes to fit on a 200 x 200 mm buildplate if I printed it diagonally. The two holes for the buckle end are 34 mm apart and you are meant to cut between these holes creating a kind of long oval for the belt buckle. This rectoval is 95 mm from the end of the leather.