The Curse of Moht (D6Modular Quest)

The Curse of Moht (D6Modular Quest)


Introducing, *The Curse of Moht*, a cooperative board game where players band together to explore a randomized world while battling the minions of an evil god. This is the first of our *D6Modular Quest* games (the parts of which will be fully compatible with one another). The game features 32mm scale character miniatures and a series of modular 6mm scale hexagonal terrain tiles. Numbered event counters are placed face-down and each correlates to an story challenge in the game manual. With 80 different events (in this core set), you're sure to get a different experience each time you and your friends play! All components print without support (though the cultists require assembly). For those who want baseless versions of the characters (we use clear acrylics for ours) and separated event counters, those are included int the [version in our storefront]( (also free). We're going to be doing weekly miniature releases for our [Patreon]( supporters, with those new characters becoming available on our online [storefront]( shortly after. Our patrons will also be participating in regular polls to determine the direction the game will take for future releases. Our D6Modular Quest board games are based on the mechanics used by our [D6Modular roleplaying system](, currently in beta itself, and those familiar with our Pocket-Tactics games will see similarities in the dice system. For those of you thinking about supporting us on [Patreon](, our patrons get special access to our store releases as they come out (not to mention license options to sell printed versions of our designs). Happy gaming!






