Universal Zaribo Einsy Box

Universal Zaribo Einsy Box


This is a modification of the amazing Zaribo Einsy Box designed by **Zaribo Team** (https://github.com/Zaribo/Zaribo-MK3/tree/master/STL/Frame/Einsy). Here you can find Einsy boxes compatible with: a) Anchors for Zaribo (T-Slot), MK3 Stock Frame and Full Bear (V-Slot). a) With and without Raspberry room. b) With and without MMU2 input. d) Special version for the bear frame (MK3 and MK2s). It is compatible with mini-Rambo board as the mounting holes are identical. e) Optional (moveable) fan cover (40x40x20), even now you can place two fans. I've used this one: https://www.amazon.es/Noctua-NF-A4X20-5V-Ordenador-Ventilador/dp/B071W6JZV8/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_es_ES=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&keywords=noctua+40x40x20+3+pines&qid=1563734927&s=gateway&sr=8-1 f) Anchors for this stepdown (only Raspberry versions): https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B0769GR3VM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 From now there are only two updated files: + EinsyBox_Raspberry_Vx.zip + EinsyBox_No_Raspberry_Vx.zip Inside there are folders with all the files needed to print each complete box. **NOTE:** The stl files are included only as example and preview. All the .blend files are included, sorry no step files because it is done by using Blender. ###**UPDATES** 2019/07/21: Clean up of the site and updated all boxes: + HoneyComb (hex holes) design. + Angled heatbed port. + Slot for the E3D PT-100 temperature sensor (only Raspberry versions). + Raspberry boxes reduced in size (1cm shorter and around 15% less plastic). + Raspberry covers with and without grid. + Added Raspberry Pi 3A+ version. + Rapsberry 4B coming soon... 2019/07/29: + Added a new fan cover (10mm) in addition to the existing 20mm one. 2019/09/15: + Added Pi 4B box (only Zaribo version). Now the fan cover can be used on the Raspberry Cover (honeycomb grid) 2019/09/28: + Added all Pi 4B boxes (Zaribo, Bear and Stock). Now the fan cover can be used on the Raspberry Cover (honeycomb grid) 2019/12/07: + Added Raspberry Pi 4B Bear and No_Grid covers **2019/12/11:** + Improved Raspberry Bear boxes. I have move anchors (2mm) to increase the clearance between the cover and X-Motor. + Moved Raspberry Pi 4B cover holes (1mm) to fit better.



