Micro Pocket Menorah and Toy Candles (Altoids Ready)

Micro Pocket Menorah and Toy Candles (Altoids Ready)


[Now available in my Etsy store!](https://www.etsy.com/listing/746852650/my-mini-menorah-a-complete-and-compact?ref=listings_manager_grid) After I finished my [Mini Menorah](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3240483)...since half the fun of 3D printing is making either huge or tiny versions of things...I shrunk it down to see how reasonably small I could make it. At about 50% it was the perfect size to fit into an Altoids tin! So I ran with the idea and made a whole set with specifically designed organizers to hold the flames and candles and fit perfectly around the micro menorah. There are three different candles and flames to provide some nice variety. The menorah is an easy print, but the candles and flames(especially the flames) would benefit from brims or rafts. They need a little extra help or they'll just fall over. The inserts are symmetrical, so just take the one STL included here and mirror it in your slicer program to make the second tray.






