Modular PowerWall System / 18650 solar charging system
This is an idea I've had for a few years now. Before I moved out to my property to homestead off-grid I purchased most of the electronics for making this. I've spent 2 years messing with the electronics figuring out how to best use them for this kind of setup. I make around $250-$300 a month at the moment and if you would like to help me purchase more materials to keep this project going I would appreciate it. I am hoping to turn this into something in the future that will run my 3d printers as well as something I can turn around and sell and install and support for people. This will become an open source project once I figure out the liability issues if their are any. I don't want anyone building these and burning their home down then suing me to take what little I have. just doesn't seem like a great idea. If this project can gain some traction I think this could revolutionize the solar community. you can follow my progress on this project at my website. or follow me on facebook and youtube.