Titan Aero mount for Tevo Tarantula

Titan Aero mount for Tevo Tarantula


Titan Aero mount for Tevo Tarantula stock X carriage. Made this because all other options for mounting an Aero meant replacing the entire X carriage with a printed one which had the possibility of resulting in too many caveats to my comfort. This thing prints in about 2 hours with the given settings and only uses about 30g (10.5m) of 1.75 PLA. Suggestions and notes: -Part cooling fan: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2567051 (Made by Campy. not me. Thank you Campy!) -The little hook on the top is to help you get better leverage to pull back the idler lever Assembly instructions: -Snap Titan body on and slide to align holes -Hold the motor (with gear on shaft, grub screw on the motor side) on the back, align holes, and fasten with a short screw through the hole in the Titan body located in the area where the output coupler goes. -Mount on X carriage. the holes can self tap, but it's better to use long nuts and bolts with washers. -Follow any Titan Aero assembly guide for the rest. The only caveat with this mount is your hotend will be offset about 20mm forward, So your nozzle will home off the bed and you'll lose access to 20mm of bed from the back unless if you slide forward the Y extrusion 20mm (Risk of losing frame squareness. Attempt only if you have a center mounting bracket installed on the printer). This may not be an issue with the small bed but I'm not sure since I have the large bed. You'll also lose about 10mm of X travel if you install the suggested part cooling fan, as it hits the stock control board box.



