Prusa i3 style E3D mount with integrated radial fan duct (Hypercube style)

Prusa i3 style E3D mount with integrated radial fan duct (Hypercube style)


This is an E3D mount fpr homebuild Prusa i3 style printers like the Anet AM8. This design incorporates an integrated fan design as seen on the Hypercube (Evolution). The fan duct has been posted [in this design]( Furthermore this is a modular design that allows easy replacement of parts or design of new parts as the base plate is printed separately from the actual E3D holder. A variety of 5x5x3 mm and 4x3x3 mm knurled inserts are used to connect the parts. The mount further uses: - [Parametric linear bearing housing SCxxUU in openSCAD]( to house the self designed and printed linear bearings - [Parametric Igus style linear bearing RJMP-01-xx and RJ4JP-01-xx in OpenSCAD]( for self printed POM bearings



