URL (Futurama Police Robot)
This is URL (Pronounce Earl), a robotic police officer who showed up in a whole bunch of futurama episodes, with his first appearance in Space Pilot 3000, the pilot of Futurama, when he tried to arrest Fry for refusing to get his career chip. He usually teams up with his partner, Smitty. I drew this in Fusion 360 working off an image I took from Futurama Worlds of Tomorrow wiki. Sliced in Ultimaker's Cura and I will print this on my Anycubic Kossel Linear+ (phenomenally interesting and fun machine). URL's image I used- https://futuramaworldsoftomorrow.gamepedia.com/URL More reading- https://theinfosphere.org/URL (The Siren only pops up when URL is chasing down a criminal so I did not draw it) Picture Credits: Briella Henderson-- https://briellaportfolio.wordpress.com/?fbclid=IwAR2GCjkf4itZelFo6ikYuqu8rLyewpA9ud876rXENMXy1msmKpvJmDN79dI Thank you to: Creator- Matt Groening Developer- David X. Cohen Special thanks: Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy IN2 (cc) Creative Commons license Monomethylhydrazine