GPU Bracket RGB'able (Asus ROG with ekwb block)

GPU Bracket RGB'able (Asus ROG with ekwb block)


An adjustable GPU bracket specifically designed for the ASUS ROG STRIX GTX 1080 (STRIX-GTX1080-A8G-GAMING) with the appropriate water block from ekwb. The bracket also has a void and wiring hole so that a short piece of RGB strip can be inserted, thereby lighting up the logo and writing on the front. Included are the STEP files so that you can edit this to fit your system. An assembly diagram is included in the pictures folder. You will need the following hardware: 1x M4x40 hex head bolt (slide mechanism) 1x 4mm standard washer (slide mechanism) 3x M4 standard nut (slide mechanism) 6x M3x6 Allen key button head bolt (led back-plate) 2x M3x8 Allen key button head bolt (corner brace) 1x tube superglue or permanent thread lock Notes on assembly of slide (refer to exploded diagram in pictures folder): 1) Press HEATED nut into hexagonal cutout on "GPU 1080 - Alex" 2) Press HEATED 4mm washer into cylindrical cutout of "Sliding Assembly" 3) Press HEATED M4 hex bolt into hexagonal cutout of "ThumbWheel" 4) Tighten M4 nut onto M4 hex bolt such that "Thumbwheel" is held captive between bolt head and nut 5) Screw "Thumbwheel" assembly through press fitted nut in "GPU 1080 - Alex" 6) Apply M4 nut approximately 3mm from end of M4 hex bolt and thread lock/superglue in place and let fully dry 7) Slide in "Sliding Assembly" rotational surface should exists between press fitted washer and thread locked nut 8) Apply "LED Backplate" using M3x6 button head bolts (heat bolts to cut thread in plastic) 9) Apply "Corner Brace" using M3x8 button head bolts (heat bolts to cut thread in plastic) The "Corner Brace" and "LED Backplate" can probably be left out of the assembly to save plastic






