2020 Filament Guide Thingy

2020 Filament Guide Thingy


2020 Filament Guide Thingy: Well, I upgraded the direct drive extruder on my printer with a Titan-like extruder kit from Two Trees (eBay). I'm pretty pleased with it... ...but a v. small inconvenience is the filament intake is in a different place so I thought I'd whip-up a suitable guide: -Any 2020 made and Titan-like equipped 3D printer -The guide just clips to the same 2020 rail the extruder is attached to -You can use two:- One "pre", and one "post" extruder if you like -Intended to do the job; doesn't need much filament, and doesn't need any screws -Two versions; one with an integrated spring in the clip if you want a firmer attachment -.gcode included if you dare! -Less "tumescent-looking" than the excellent original... good or bad, you decide I have taken some photos, maybe I'll get round to uploading them.



