Reset Pushbutton and Washers for LCD2004 Display

Reset Pushbutton and Washers for LCD2004 Display


I recently assembled a Geeetech I3 Pro B for a friend. When I got to the display panel, there were some changes from a similar printer I assembled 3 years ago that I didn't care for. The display set so far back in the bezel that it appeared unfinished. The reset pushbutton that used to be immediately below the skirt of the knob was now just a hole the panel that required you to fish around for the small reset button about a half-inch back. I wouldn't want to operate this printer without a reset push button, and probably the recipient wouldn't either, after the first time they needed to shut it down in a hurry. Here are a couple parts that will partially correct the situation. The shim washers are thinner than the laser cut acrylic washers, so the display is moved forward a bit, but not as much as it could.. Also included is a push button that will fit in the assembled display package and provide a front panel reset as it was originally designed. You can adjust the Z dimension of both parts if you want a better fit. These are small parts, so you usually get a better print if more than one item is printed at a time, due to the increased time between layers for any one part.



