CR 123A Cell Battery Box with Snap Lid for Arlo cameras
This is simply a remix of sleemanj's excellent AA Cell Battery Box with Snap Lid. I've simply resized it to fit 4x CR 123A batteries for my Arlo camera. What I want to do is mount my Arlo cameras within an enclosure so that they can't be stolen (in such locations as the front door etc). Making the enclosure is easy but what to do when the batteries need changing? My solution is to use ReginalBull's Netgear Arlo CR123a Battery Adapter ( and wire it to my remixed battery box. That way the camera can remain fixed inside the enclosure but the batteries are accessible from the outside. It might be argued that the batteries could be stolen instead. In this case, the crims would still have to get close enough to get their picture taken and I'd rather lose some batteries than a $400 camera. I only redesigned one part which was the catch. I lengthened the flicky bit so that it stood proud of the case in order to make it easier to open. You can find battery contacts by searching your favourite online store for "battery spring plate". For those that are interested in using 3D printed parts for the entire enclosure installation, try the following links. A remix would probably be needed to customise and integrate the various components. enclosure: stand: