Filament filter with PTFE and 2020/3030 attachment

Filament filter with PTFE and 2020/3030 attachment


###2020/3030 Filament dust filter What is it? --------------------- I kept losing my filament dust filter so I made this to screw onto a 2020 or 3030 extrusion. There is space inside for an M4 nut. Slightly reduce the diameter of your PTFE tube with a knife and screw the tube into the nut. Make sure your filament still goes through without problems and place it inside the holder and screw on the cap. There are two versions, one with a 0.15mm tolerance between the hinge and one with a 0.25mm clearance. What do you need? --------------------- ### V1 * 2 10mm M3 screws and nyloc nuts. * 1 8mm M5 screw with T slot nut. * 1 M4 nut ### V2 * M6 pneumatic coupler * 8mm M5 screw with T slot nut. ### Changelogs: * 27-Dec-2018: Added versions that accept M6 pneumatic fittings, all V2 versions are like this. Also made the clamp a little tighter so it stays better. They're all 0.25mm tolerance versions because that works fine for the hinge. * 5-Dec-2018: The tube was offset compared to my Titan extruder and this bugged me. Added an aligned version which has the filament path 13.5mm offset from the 2020 as indicated in E3D's Titan step file. You can find my Titan mount [over here](



