Cobra Wolf (GI Joe)
The Cobra Wolf from the class of 1987. Another winter vehicle for Cobra to use in the fight against the Snow Cat and Polar Battle Bear. The file was created using the actual toy and a set of six inch calipers. It's modeled full scale but is optimized for printing at 25%. Unless you stay in that range your print may have too much or too little detail. My finished model weighs 13 grams so it cost me 26 cents for the material to print each one. This file is free to download. Note that it is listed as ***non-commercial*** because this was copied from intellectual property that I do not own. As such neither you nor I are allowed to sell physical copies of this 3-D model. You are allowed (and encouraged) to print copies for your own personal use. ‘Makes’ are appreciated. By now you can figure out how to print these. Print the 'show' side up whenever possible and supports as needed. Two versions of the chassis are available giving you the choice to print with the rocket pod open or closed. Thanks to Chris for loaning me his original toy which makes the model more accurate and a lot faster to create. As always, much respect and gratitude to past and present members of our Armed Forces. You are the “Real American Heroes” and your sacrifice allows people like me to live in peace, freedom and make silly little toys like these.