Print cooling for Jeka_tm's E3D v6 mount
~~Still in progress of designing!~~ ~~I am using it now and I am unhappy with the result. Going to make a duct that will blow the air from two sides...~~ UPDATE 2018-12-23: Made a version with a round fan duct . Hello! I am in process of building AM8 metal Anet printer rebuild. But I have Anet A6, not A8. So I had to build an X-carriage for vertically positioned rods. I liked the design of the X-carriage by Jeka_tm but I also need a cooling system for PLA and TPU. Here is my design of a fan duct and a bracket to mount a radial turbo fan. You will need the following metal parts: - 1 M3x20mm HEX bolt (the longer one could be used but it will stick out) - 2 M3x25mm usual bolts (4 pcs if you didn't have the carriage built before) - 1 M3x50mm usual bolt (this one will replace one of the bolts you already have) - 1 M3x35mm usual bolt (the longer one could be used but it will stick out, this one will replace one of the bolts you already have) - 3 M3 washers - 5 M3 hex nuts (11 pcs if you didn't have the carriage built before) - (if you didn't have the carriage built before) 2 M3x20mm usual bolts) The parts should be printed as they are positioned in STL files. There are two versions of the duct. The one with integrated supports should be printed without supports at all but if you want a little bit better surface under the hanging pieces, use the model without integrated supports and configure the supports in slicing software. The examples are on the pictures. The insides of the do not need the support. Timelapse: