Remix of Nikon 1 telescope adapter

Remix of Nikon 1 telescope adapter


One of the things that's been on my todo list for a while! My local observatory has a h-alpha solar telescope with very limited focal distance past the socket. While an astronomy camera will work, a Nikon 1, being as cheap as they are (and with their new mirrorless design seemingly abandoned.) This would provide a nice contained and mobile solution. I started printing out the original, but it jammed, and I wanted it to be shorter. So I reduced the grip portion. Unfortunately messed with it a bit. After printing that, I found that the Tapered portion was a problem: Due to it acting like a cone, if being secured it will cause the adapter to be off axis which is a problem for good imaging! So I made a straight one. I may make another version that can accept filters, or be shorter. If so, I think I'll make an OpenSCAD version to make that easier to change. Focuses nicely in an ETX-70's flip mirror on close terrestrial targets. (Because of course there are clouds tonight.) After testing with a 130SLT OTA, it works pretty well. though the ability to focus isn't as great as I'd like. (Preview on my J3 doesn't have a zoom in. Which leads to the somewhat cumbersome: take picture, view result, adjust, repeat, as opposed to what I can do on my D5300s) Note: I take no responsibility for any clouds which may come of printing accessories for telescopes. Coincidences can be amusing. ;)



