Geeetech Prusa i3 - Cable Chain Extruder Mounts

Geeetech Prusa i3 - Cable Chain Extruder Mounts


In order to clean up some of my wiring, I hunted down some chain links I liked, by Bernbout were more print friendly than some of the other options out there that others had used. I modded a top mount by Piggei (the one pictured is not the exact design uploaded as some wires were shorter than expected and route better off the side) and the extruder end from Babokaj. 2 ends are in the files, one if you have the metal carriage (short version) and the one I needed had to be taller as I could only mount it between the extruder and carriage since I have the printed carriage I modded for a rear fan. Supports are needed for the extruder end, and brim is suggested. I used 19 links and 23 chain lids (you may not need up to 3 for the top mount depending on preference) for mine which you can download from Bernbout's link in the "Remixed From" I also ran the cable for the extruder motor between the third and fourth link to free up some more slack in the cable. 2017+ Sketchup compatible file of the mounts are included. Remix from the following: Top Mount - Geeetech Prusa i3 Pro - Cable Chain Top Mount by Piggei Chain Ends - Geeetech Aluminium Y Axis Cable Chain by Bernbout Extruder End Mounts - Geeetech Prusa i3 - Cable Chain Mounts remix by Babokaj CURRENTLY REDESIGNING- Broke one of the wires to my extruder motor, I believe due to the way I had it ran in the links, and now working on a further offset version. Currently the easiest workaround is instead to run the wires normally at the extruder and underneath the top mount at the last link. New version will offset the extruder side by about 2 cm and include a 45 degree angle up.



