Citroën Mehari - Duplo compatible
**CITROËN MEHARI - DUPLO COMPATIBLE** At the request of my son, here is my contribution to the [Lego Duplo Cars collection]( **v3** : Child version (adult DUPLO characters do not fit in the seat) **v3.1** : Adult & Child compatible version *"Launched in May 1968 exactly, the Citroën Mehari has lived with its time. Generational car par excellence, it will be just as much appreciated by the Vendée oyster farmers as hippies in search of a return to nature. With its ultralight* ***ABS plastic body*** *and 2CV elastic suspensions, the Mehari could go anywhere, or almost anywhere, and did not fear rust. She added a touch of pop modernity with its acid colors: yellow, orange or green to choose from"* Thanks to [advancedb]( and [MixedGears]( for giving me want to design a new model of car Duplo ;) Thanks to zapyloop for his orange filament :) ***Note :*** *to create this car I followed the [tutorial]( of advancedvb*