Card Case / Linkable Tray System

Card Case / Linkable Tray System


<h1>What is this:</h1> This is my attempt to design a whole system of playing card cases that can also be used as pickup and discard trays. My goal was to have them both close with magnets (12x2mm) and link together with the same magnets. I am trying to design everything including the carrying case and mounting systems to be as universal for the different sizes of cases that already exist and may exist in the future. Ideally I want to be able to make and size case that uses the correct spacing of magnets that will work with this system. Here is a quick demonstration of how they work: The video contains a few different iterations of my design, which is why some have 3 magnets. I decided that was a bit much. <h1>Break Down of the different files:</h1> <b>Inner \ Outer Card Case:</b> This is designed to fit a standard deck of cards without any other case. <b>Inner \ Outer Card Case Sleeve/Box Compatible:</b> This is a slightly larger version that should fit the deck of cards inside their cardboard sleeve/box. This is not for individually sleeved cards. I might make a version for that though. <b>Double Outer \ Inner Card Case:</b> This is designed to fit two decks of cards without a sleeve. <b>Uno Double Outer Card Case:</b> Just the same as double with a Uno logo. <b>Card Carrier 8unit:</b> This is for carrying and storing either 8 single decks or 4 double decks or any variation. I designed it with a line of magnets to allow for different sizes to all work together. This way just about any combination should work, which will be good for some future ideas i have. <h1>Additional Parts Needed:</h1> The magnets are not strictly needed, but the whole system revolves around them. I used 12x2mm magnets because they offered the strength i wanted and were easy to get. Normal Case uses 8 Magnets Normal Sleeve Compatible Case uses 8 Magnets Double Case uses 10 Magnets Card Case Carrier uses 28 magnets - I know that's a lot of magnets, but it allows for cases of varying heights and works well. <h1>Updates:</h1> <b>2020-12-26:</b> Removed fusion 360 links as these no longer offer download links. Add f3d and step files for download. <b>2018-12-04:</b> Added links to fusion download pages, to make it easier for others to make changes. <b>2018-12-05:</b> Added some photos of my first attempt leather covering one of the cases. <b>2018-12-07:</b> While designing a carrier I discovered I dimensioned one of the magnet locations to the wrong surface making it 0.5mm out of whack. I have fixed this in version 5. I have printed 10+ of the old design and it all works fine, so it wasn't a huge deal, but it bugged me. <b>2018-12-07:</b> Added a 8 unit carrier. You can stack up to 4 standard cases or 2 double cases on each side. <b>2018-12-11:</b> Version 6: Tweaked sizing of the standard deck a bit as well as made a slightly larger version to fit card sleeves. I kept the spacing of magnets so that all the different versions can be used as trays together. However the current card carrier may now be a bit off depending on the combinations of cases you put into it. I am currently rethinking thinking the carrier a bit to allow for cases of any size. I think the best way to do this would be to use metal washers instead of magnets and far more of them. Then i only have to maintain magnet width for the case. <b>2018-12-13:</b> Added a revised card carrier that uses washers instead of magnets. This should allow you to slide the cases up or down and more importantly attach any thickness of case. Because not all the cases are the same thickness this was important for compatibility. I am still waiting on washers myself to test, but I am confident in it, so I have posted it for now. <b>2018-12-16:</b> New carrier design with washers failed. Going to redesign with magnets again. The magnets are more expensive but washers were just not enough to hold things well. <b>2019-01-02:</b> Added a new carrier using lots of magnets. This holds everything secure and allows for cases of varying heights to all fit nicely. It uses a ton of magnets but it works well so I feel it's worth it. <h1>Want to add to this project?</h1> You can download the step or f3d files on this page. For the sake of compatibility I am trying to keep all magnets spaced the same. The two most important measurements are 60mm width between magnets, measured from the center of each magnet. And 11mm from the center of the magnet to the top or bottom surface of the card tray. This should insure they all link together at the same height when in tray mode and attach to all carriers and mounts. <h1>Future Updates / Ideas</h1> Currently not working on any updates, but would love to see some remixes and modifications if people want to expand upon the idea.







Toys & Games