Pakutracker - WiFi Head tracker like TrackIR compatible  for gaming

Pakutracker - WiFi Head tracker like TrackIR compatible for gaming


This is a work in progress, mostly abandoned since its ok for my current use)... play Il2 Cliffs of Dover. Its a head tracker to setup over headphones that works via WiFI, using UDP as transport to Opentrack. I didn't found any docs about that protocol implementation (opentrack udp over network) so I just imagined it with Wireshark. Altough bugs should be expected, ... it works for play without problems :-) Gyroscope is a mp9250 but works great too with a GY-86 (mpu 6050) with very little adjustments. Is made for a Wemos with battery but its easily portable to other systems. Works really great after some adjustments on opentrack (I attach my current adjustments for Il2 Cliffs of Dover). Sorry for bad coding and comments in spanish. I also made so many builds that I lost all "open source" comments. So most code its from the autors that you can find (I hope) in the original libraries (I'm really sorry for that). Note: if sometimes tracking is decentered, just press alt-c while playing (binded in Opentrack) to recenter. Its important too the direction of the sensor!! About the box... I made the box at 0.3 so its not very great looking but its ok. I suggest go for 0.15 or 0.10. Libs used: Software used:







Video Games