20X20cm Grid
Printable 1cm grid for designing and test fitting wearables or making templates. Scale down the Z axis for a faster print. Useful for calibrating between real and computer generated scenes. I also did some software for infinite scale. I'll be doing a foot thing with it soon to demonstrate how this can be used for casts or prosthetics. https://3dorchard.com/app/single/5879a0e269a7a70bad75d169/5c0ec37d8d30b10c992d7737 Here's how to use it for scaling a hand shape . https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3331619 There is also an 18X18 version for Ultimaker2's since they wont do 20cm, An 8.5X11" DXF from earlier days is here also, which is only the single vectors so it's only printable on paper.. Here I used the 20x20 grid with my 3D workspace learning tool. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4059271