Industrial Christmas: An LED Light String Cover
I saw wiky1982's design and rather liked it, but it didn't fit the current standard mini lights we have in the US which have a safety latch on the size. So I redesigned it from scratch with a couple changes. Changes from the original: * Slips over just the "bulb" portion of a mini light - Should fit lights between 4.4mm to 4.8mm - For 5mm LEDs, try printing scaled up 1-2% * Made the fins a uniform thickness (1mm) to make them easier to print * Decreased overhand angle of the lower slope for easy of printing * Enclosed the end so they are more "bulb" like Fusion 360 source file included. Update 2018-12-10: I've split the core off it to its own remix if you'd like to design your own using my style of bulb holder.