Geeetech Prusa i3 Pro w Spool Holder
I designed this part to securely hold the Ultimate Spool Holder by [filamentry]( I found that the angle that the filament was entering the print head was causing friction issues so I moved it on top of my printer. I really like the bearings on the spool holder, it is very low friction and smooth. When putting the 2 parts together I used sheets of polystyrene to shim the spool holders. Then I used plastic cement to hold everything together. It is very important to get the holders even and centered. The holder can be a bit wobbly, especially if not centered well, but barring getting hit it should hold up fine. I designed it for a Geeetech Prusa i3 Pro W, but it might work for other prusa style printers. This setup should work for most 1kg spool sizes. I know it works for Inland and Hatchbox spools. To check if a spool will fit compare it to the following measurements. The distance between the outer edges is ~7cm and the bearings are ~8mm across. Feel free to comment or message me if you have questions.