Geeetech A10M Bed Clip

Geeetech A10M Bed Clip


**I have since designed a newer version of a bed clip which is better all around! Check it out here:** This is a bed clip to replace the metal clips that come with some Geeetech printers. The problem is that the metal clips can cause a short circuit on the underside of the heated bed when they scratch away the paint. By using these bed clips, you eliminate the problem of short circuits. This should work on all recent Geeetech printers with a super plate (About 5.5mm total thickness of heatbed + glass plate), including A10, A10M, A20M, A30. Tested on my A10M. Recommended to print in PLA then anneal it. I chucked mine into the oven for 1 hour at 110 deg C. Depending on the shrinkage of your PLA, you might need to adjust scaling -- had to print mine at 95% to get a good grip after annealing. Or print in any other heat resistant material that will not become soft at your usual heat bed temperatures. Print upright.



