Repeating Mini Crossbow Box

Repeating Mini Crossbow Box


I created this box, and the ammo to go with it, to go along with the Repeating mini crossbow designed by u/DIYPark (Thing #2725597). The darts are the only thing I shoot through my mini crossbow. The box is designed for the darts to occupy the left small compartment, the bow goes in the main chamber and the right small compartment is for targets I have not designed yet. This does require that the actual bow of the crossbow be removable, but you do NOT need to remove the string. The hinge is intended to just use a piece of filament fed through, just like the bow is assembled. However I have been struggling to get this to work completely, even drilling the hinge out a bit. Drill works, but 1.8mm bits are VERY short. EDIT: I did manage to get the filament through the holes, and much deeper than I drilled out. It was a slight miss-alignment. The top rotates well, but does "hold" position. I have also designed and printed some "straps" to hold the box closed as I noticed the top was bowing, with the low point being the catch. I would upload the files for those, but at the time of typing, I need to go to bed, and I have not punched the files out as anything but STL. Actually, I will upload the STL's, and the IPT's, STP/IGS will come when I remember. Just want to add, I have this still in good shape in my closet, 2 years after printing, including a move. So it doesn't fail, at least with the "bands" in use. (20201101)



