iPad Wall Mount Recess Adapter
Recess Outlet Holder for ipad cord I wanted to mount an iPad on the wall. For that, it requires a power outlet and a lighting cable. Most available commercial outlet is called recess outlet. Most commercial method of power supply is to run a USB cable to another outlet at some location or use power of Ethernet. In each of these method, the actual power supply source doesn't look nice. After reading about code compliant and etc, I decided to design one that might be code compliant. It is a full customized USB power recess outlet with removeable cover. Additional Equipment Required: 1. USB power outlet - https://www.amazon.com/Leviton-T5633-W-Charger-Resistant-Receptacle/dp/B07668S975/ref=sr_1_4?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1544308794&sr=1-4&keywords=outlet+type+C 2. Outlet blank insert - https://www.homedepot.com/p/Leviton-Decora-Plastic-Adapter-Blank-No-Hole-Gray-80414-GY/301753393?MERCH=REC-_-PIPHorizontal1_rr-_-206137720-_-301753393-_-N 3. Some welcro tap How to create: 1. Bend the USB power outlet both end toward the plug hole. Make sure that you bend as close to the edge as possible. You may need to remove it from the outlet housing if required. (In another word, you want both mount end point toward you instead point up and down.) 2. Push the USB outlet and attach the printed outlet housing 3. For the cover, cut off the edge of the blank insert by using a plier. After that, use sand paper to sand way the edge until it fits your outlet cover. Put a small piece of velcro on both side so that it doesn't fall off the outlet.