MakerMike E3D V6 Dual Blower Extruder Body (Anet A8)

MakerMike E3D V6 Dual Blower Extruder Body (Anet A8)


This is my dual blower E3D/E3D V6 Clone extruder head for an Anet A8 Style Printer. I have included a BLTouch and an Inductive Sensor Mount. The Blower Cover MM is optional but I would appreciate it if you printed it and displayed it proudly. If you intend on not using autobed leveling then you need not print any blower cover. Parts: Multiple M3 and M4 Nuts and Bolts 2x 5015 Style Blower Fans. 1X 50MM Extruder Fan (Must be on when printer is on!) 1X E3D V6 or Clone Silicone Cover for print head block or Kapton/Cotton Insulation for print head block. Printing Instructions: DO NOT PRINT THIS IN PLA! The extruder head will not survive if you try to print this in PLA. Supports (Main Body) Only on build plate. (If you do supports everywhere the blower vent will not work.) Supports (Inductive and BLTouch blower cover) Everywhere. Supports (Back & MM Cover) None. Assembly Instructions: Make sure the E3D Heater Block is covered with either the Kapton Tape Cotton insulation or a silicone cover. This prevents the heat block from melting the extruder body, it also seals the gap between the print head and body to minimize movement and force the cooling air out of the sides and back of the body and not onto your print (Important for ABS printing). You may need to add some electrical or kapton tape around the blower nozzles to help seal the airflow into the channels. There are several places where you must insert either an M3 or M4 nut, this should be clear but I will try to include a video later. NOTE: DO NOT USE SUPPORTS EVERYWHERE ON THE BODY!



