Omni Wheel

Omni Wheel


This is a 3D printable OmniWheel. Outter diameter of the wheel is 70 mm. It was designed in Inventor 2017, so feel free to download the project, and mondify as you like (Concentrate on the sceleton file for change dimensions). Required to make one wheel: - 2 Pcs of WheelFrameV3.stl - 10 Pcs of RollerV3.stl - 10 Pcs of 14*1 mm silicone tube (cutted to size of the roller) - 10 Pcs of Computer screw for holding the rods in place - 1.2 mm welding rod for roller shaft - 2 Pcs of M3 hexagonal nuts for aligning the wheel frames Extra features: - M6 nut fits in center - Counter sink at center with 3 holes for further connection Assembling: First make sure the frame's bottom part is nice and flat, use sandpaper. Make sure the M3 Hex nuts are fit. Probe the halfs together, and make sure the right alignment of the angle. If everything is correct glue them together with superglue. Resize the holes of the rollers with a 1.5 mm drillbit. Cut the welding rod to size. Install the silicon tube to the outside of the roller. Cut the tube to raw size, than install it to the roller, and than make a final cut of the tube by the roller edges. For smoother turning of the rollers use silicon oil on the shafts.






