D.Va Pistol With Working trigger, clip, Hollow for lighting - improved details

D.Va Pistol With Working trigger, clip, Hollow for lighting - improved details


Updated Keyed with .25inch peg holes added seperate barrel hollowed out for light inserts etc. Update Added panels to be printed in a trasparent filament for Light dispersal I added several lights, text, remodeled the clip and made it removable added a working switch, redid the hollowing inside a bit. Made the trigger working for those who want to use it as a switch point instead of the clip or attempt to put some kind of sound chip or controller that changes the lights. Added more accurate key chain. Added magnet holes to hold the clip in place. Will be adding more details after I get a working print completed and add electronics and a parts list. Right and Left side ARE NOT the exact same, the text had to be flipped to read correctly on each side, other alterations between the two are expected in final versions. The key chain uses 6MM size ball chain. Creating templates for the acrylic light inserts.






