LED - Remote Dimmer Module Box
This is a smaller box i made for the LED Remote Dimmer 12-24 v module ,that was a bit to big and clumsy for my taste . https://www.ebay.com/itm/DC-12-24V-Single-Color-3-Key-LED-Wireless-Dimmer-Controller-RF-remote-control-RF/172861962154?hash=item283f6037aa:g:fT4AAOSwbD9Zt24c:rk:5:pf:0 If you found this design very helpful or otherwise wish to support me ,you can buy me a cup of coffee ( helps keeping the brain active so i can create new stuff ) ;-) ,then please consider using this link : <a href="https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Mb1vZjXUG" target="_blank"><img src="https://bmc-cdn.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/BMC-button-images/custom_images/black_img.png" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: auto !important;width: auto !important;" ></a> The print circuit is very small ,so i just did not see any reason for using such a large box for this tiny module . The only thing i have not done is making holes to the bottom half for screws , i did not need it myself and if you should need it yourself ,it is very easy to just drill them if needed . The print circuit is for single LED's not RGB's ,and i do not know if that RGB module will fit inside this box i made ,just a warning :-) . You will need : 4 pcs m3 nuts 4 pcs m3 12/14mm hex bolts IMPORTANT!! When you place the print module in this box ,be aware of the - and + orientation AND that IN and OUT is placed correct according to the text on the bottom piece . I have put text on both the inside and outside of the bottom half of the box ,so it should be easy to get the print placed in the correct orientation