PSX-Lights for programmable LEDs

PSX-Lights for programmable LEDs


EDIT 13.12.21: Added a Parts-List as a TXT File. Site won't me change the Description! Please ignore the Partslist below! Look at the uploaded TXT File!! UPDATE 15.02.2019: 1. Updated the .INO File to make it even MORE convinient ;) 2. Added a Picture for the PIN-OUT with an Arduino. The Arduino Type is irrelevant! UNO, Nano, R3, it doesn't make any difference! Just use the right PIN's or change them accordingly in the .INO File! EDIT 10.12.18: 1. Added the ON-/OFF-Switch i used 2. Edited the psx-logo.ino file for a little bit more convenience ;) Video with Effects: I hollowed out the Icons to be able to use adressable LED-Stripes. APA102, WS2812b and similar. To have more room for cables and an Arduino I change the bottom layout and made it thinner. Added holes for a 5V Power-Plug, a Button and an ON-/OFF-Switch. Also modified the way its put together. Now there are holes for bolts which hold it together by its own. Without any glue. But glue will help hold it even better ;) Glue the LEDs to the Icons with some hot-glue. I added the .INO File for the Arduino IDE. Read the first lines carefully and edit to your needs! Edit DATA_PIN (if needed), Clock_PIN, amount of LEDs, the Type of LED-Strip (APA102, WS2812b etc.) and the Color-Order! Made this for my Son (10) and he did freak out. "Best present ever! Looks expensive and bought!" <3 That's all a father want's to hear <3 Have fun building it! Any questions? Just ask ;) PS: Don't mind the thinner lines inside the icons top layers. I wanted to mount the LEDs differently without the need of hotglue, but it does not work with the soldering points of the LEDs. So i just let them in, they don't matter at all.





