Panel Due 7i Enclosure
[update 2020-05-25] Added new style hinges with "stops" so the panel stays at a set "open" position. [update 2019-02-12] Added a drilling jig to the files both in STL and DXF format to make drilling the holes in the front electronics bay side panel. The holes are designed to face towards the far right of the printer (or away from the body of the printer). If you drill the holes in the wrong side, you will wind up mounting the control panel much lower than it should be. [update 2019-02-08] Separated the bottom half and the top half of the enclosure into 2 parts that can be bolted together. From the first time I saw the Railcore printer, I envisioned making a control panel for it that make it look like a small VMC milling machine. This is my vision, I hope you enjoy it! This is an enclosure for the Panel Due 7i. It is also designed to be removed from the hinges simply by lifting the hinges up, and it can swing flat against the printer for traveling. All STL files will load in the orientation necessary for printing. The hinges are the most important to print in the format loaded. The lower hinge needs to print flat, while the upper hinge needs to print standing up. This is for strength. The holes in the Back Cover are sized for using an 8-32 bolt (I choose imperial because of coarser threads). The bolt goes in from the front of the panel, and screws into the hinges (you should thread the hinges with an 8-32 tap). The cover of the display mounts to the back cover with a 10mm-m3 button head bolt (I did this without tapping). The display itself mounts to the display cover with a 6mm-m3 button head bolts. The Removable Hinge mounts to the tilt out tray with 3 - 10mm-m3 button head bolts. The "nozzle tray" is designed to sit on the open shelf area. Hope you enjoy this, as it turned out better than I had hoped.