DRINKTANKS 64oz Growler Handle

DRINKTANKS 64oz Growler Handle


This is a custom handle. It mates nicely with a 2017 DRINKTANKS 64oz growler. Nuts fit snug so they were not falling out during assembly. I slipped them on the bolt and then hammered them in to help send it home. x2 Top / Bottom Bolt - Flat Head (has taper) 1/4-20 x 3/4 304 Stainless Steel x2 Top / Bottom Nut - 1/4-20 HEX 304 Stainless Steel x4 Middle Bolts - 8-32 x 3/4 304 Stainless Steel x4 Middle Nuts - 8-32 HEX 304 Stainless Steel thread lock optional (I didn't find necessary) cost about $5 at local hardware store. i approve of DRINKTANKS growlers and have a few. They are built to last and quality but one exception - the handle. Mine broke the first time I dropped it revealing a super thin and hollow plastic shell. DRINKTANKS does not offer a replacement handle, and offered to repair it if I sent the whole growler to them.



