Lack Table Hack Parts (Magnet Panels)

Lack Table Hack Parts (Magnet Panels)


I sourced files from other users for hinges and edited the corner brackets I saw on other users to make an enclosure with 3 side panels and a door system on the front and not use any screws to hold the panels. It will require magnets - can be purchased from hardware stores and glued in place. I used fastest standard settings on the SnapMaker and 2 Lack Table from Ikea to make this. If you want to add the vent for the laser, print the vent hole and cap. Cut a hole in the table (its made of veneer and cardboard, use a box knife to cut it) then glue the vent together in a corner of the table, then a zip tie to hold the vent flexible hose on it. (See Post Printing)







3D Printing