Mr_White's BetaFPV 75x Turtle v2 Canopy

Mr_White's BetaFPV 75x Turtle v2 Canopy


The one in the picture is an earlier version. This will require you to replace the screws and add two standoffs on the sides of the flight controller, I used wire cutters to clip the excess and then a soldering iron to melt in the new holes then cleaned it up a bit with a hobby knife. It also requires you to desolder the vtx and take of the plastic connector off the fc. The caddx turtle board should sit on top of the FC and the VTX should sit on top of that. It's a lot of work but it looks great if you do it. I decided to make a Lazy version for those who do not wish to remove their VTX and solder on wires so it fits on top of the caddx turtle board. This version also shouldn't require standoffs though I haven't tested it yet. The holes in the back are to fit a small zip tie so your caddx turtle board doesn't fall out.







3D Printing