Titanic Extruder
14.12.18 Still waiting on parts to get my printer going so another update. -I never liked the filament path on the Titan - mostly because I find threading new filament a bit tricky, but also it's a bit iffy with flexi-filament. 'My' Titanic extruder did feature some updates to help but my new version 8 has a whole new filament path that should be nicer to use and be pretty-well bullet-proof regardless of what you throw at it. -The specific upgrades should be 100% compatible with a real titan; just print the new lid, lever, and filament guide... ...don't forget I've still yet to test any of this!!! Hence no individual parts .stl files - if you're feeling brave you can export the parts .stl files from the Titanic_Extruder8.123dx file. 12.12.18 Updates already? Well, as my printer is currently out of action I thought I'd do a little refining. -I've done a little tidying to make printing (eventually) a bit easier -I've also made some alterations so the extruder can be done as a stand-alone -I've also added a support gusset (Titanic Gusset, eh?) for the counter ->Added piccies, 123D Design, and .stl files... ...I'll post the individual .stl's when I've actually got a printer with which to test. Titanic Extruder: As in... -A Titan extruder clone, maybe upgrade -Strong -Powerful -My most titanic thing do date -A 'ship's wheel' for twiddling -Flexi-filament ready -Mechanical filament used meter (optional) -I may add an integrated filament-out sensor -I hope there won't be too many ice bergs! ...for now not a lot of details, just a few piccies, a couple of example .stl files, and the 123D Design file for the brave and impatient - I have not printed this thing, so far. I'll put up more info and some proper .stl files for the individual parts when I know it actually works. FWIW: Extruder based on published E3D Titan plans - screws and bearings required. Proper E3D cogs advised rather than mine. Counter based on published thing... more info when I can find it again! Knob also based on published thing:- https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2953084 PS Don't blame me it you try it before I do and it needs a bit of work! I'll update this thing, and add photos, when I've gotten round to printing it myself. PPS Yes, some thought will be needed when mounting. The counter may get in the way - I did my best to tuck it out of the way and keep the size down but the smaller the cogs the more likely printing horrors will result. PPPS Yes the counter is a bit of a gimmick, but a potentially useful one that should be good for a 1kg reel of filament and it's hopefully properly calibrated for cm. But if you don't want / need it this extruder will work absolutely fine without. PPPPS I've a bunch of other stuff to post that's also currently completely untested... pesky PLA and v5 hot end.