Box of Wondrous Secrets From the Sea of Thieves

Box of Wondrous Secrets From the Sea of Thieves


Holy. Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea. And i thought the SKULLS were hard to model after!! After spending what little free time I had to look for this thing, a few friends of mind manged to give me a few images of one he had found, and it wasn't easy to model it as i had hoped. I think is safe to say the pirates will always kill one another over and over again for hours, just to get their hands on the other's chests of loot. Only ONE chest though would cause CREMATES to kill and deceive each other for it, and THIS is it. A chest made of smooth black obsidian, etched with strange glowing red symbols all over it. Bound in coils of rope, and sealed with hot wax, only few know what is kept inside it, and they are fewer now. Only two people are left know what lays within, and would kill the other to get there hands on it, but would give a VAST reward to anyone who would deliver it to them. But this thing isn't something you can fight a hoard of skellys or hunt down some great beast for.It's lost some where deep within the sea of Thieves, waiting for someone to stumble over it. So if you do find this box stick out of the sands on one of your voyages, forget what you were doing, grab that box and sail off to one of the two lost souls to sell it, before other players learn that you have THE MOST RARE AND VALUABLE TREASURE IN ALL OF THE SEA OF THIEVES....and decide to take it....







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