The Golden Gun of Francisco Scaramanga (from James Bond "The Man with the Golden Gun")
This Thing is a recreation of the renowned **Golden Gun** from the James Bond movie _The Man with the Golden Gun_ starring Roger Moore as Bond and Christopher Lee as the titular "man": assassin Francisco Scaramanga. In the movie, the gun is assembled from a collection of innocuous golden items: a lighter, cigarette case, pen, and cuff-link. This gun became very popular for it's appearance in the N64 game _GoldenEye_ where it's one shot kill was a very effective way to rack up kills in Deathmatch. Using reference images from the film and measurements of some of the real world items, I recreated the gun in Fusion 360 to be fairly accurate and faithful to the prop. Everything should print fine without supports. All items have been organized in the .zip file by what item they are and where they go should be evident. The only item not printed is the hinge for the lighter. For that, I used a dollhouse door hinge from a hobby store. It is 14mm at the edge with the hinge part being 9mm x 2mm. There are also a number of areas for 6mm x 2mm disc magnets to be installed to keep things together a little better without relying on friction alone. Also, a 5mm ball magnet can be put in the pen butt and bullet brass to keep with from getting lost. EDIT: uploaded a slightly modified version of the pen butt to have it fit more cleanly without any sanding. IMPORTANT: DON'T SELL MY MODEL. I'M FINE WITH YOU PRINTING YOURSELF, BUT DON'T PUT THIS ON ETSY OR EBAY. IT IS COPYRIGHT VIOLATION AND I WILL HAVE YOU DELISTED.