LCD 1602 with I2C interface

LCD 1602 with I2C interface


This is an LCD 1602 with I2C interface card, a bit thicker than the one with serial interface, but you get down to just 2 output pins to control the display plus two for power supply. You can choose different pins configurations and you can "use" the file in your scad projects calling the module with: Interface only: I2C_interface_LCD1602(Connection_pins_enabled,Connection_pins_up,I2C_pin_enabled,I2C_pins_up,Led_pins_enabled,Led_pins_up); LCD with I2C interface: LCD_1602_I2C(PinsDown,Text1,Text2); Solder(Steps,Type); There are 5 files included here, one is for the serial display, one of the display with interface, one the interface card only, one is for solderlike spots and one is the assembly of the three. You need all the files in the same folder when rendering the assembly. You can use the Solder.scad file also to render connection tracks on the board as in the "example.scad". All the modules and components I designed, and hopefully some of others that find this helpful too, will be hosted in the two groups: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I created these eBay links where you can find components, filaments and spare parts at the best prices. These are just links to eBay and Aliexpress items, where I normally buy spare parts and materials for my printer and projects. Clicking on these links will support a little bit these projects. <a target="_blank" href="">PCB perforated boards</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Resistors eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Capacitors eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Diodes eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">led</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Wire terminals eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Arduino and modules eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Raspberry and modules</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">Prototype PCB board Aliexpress</a> - <a target="_blank" href="">Resistors Aliexpress</a> - <a target="_blank"href="">Capacitors Aliexpress</a> - <a target="_blank" href=" ">Diodes and LED Aliexpress</a> - <a target="_blank" href=" ">Arduino and modules Aliexpress</a> - <a target="_blank" href="">Raspberry and modules Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">PLA Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">ABS Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">TPU Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">PET Filament - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">Complete extruders - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_blank" href="">Heat blocks and heaters - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Standard nozzles - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Standard nozzles Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Volcano nozzles - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Volcano nozzles - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 pulleys - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 pulleys - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 belts - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">GT2 belts - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Linear bearings LM series - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Linear bearings LM series - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">NEMA 17 step motors - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">NEMA 17 step motors - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">3d pen - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> <a target="_self" href="">100$-200$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">100$-200$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">200$-300$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">200$-300$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">300$-500$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">300$-500$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">500$-1000$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">500$-1000$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_self" href="">1000$-2000$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href=" ">1000$-2000$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">2000$ - 5000$ 3D printers - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_self" href="">2000$-5000$ 3D printers - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Filament extruding machine - eBay</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]"> - <a target="_blank" href="">Filament extruding machine - Aliexpress</a> <a target="_blank" href="">Pellets for extruding machine</a><src="[CACHEBUSTER]">






