Geeetech A10M Bed Clip v2
This is a bed clip to replace the metal clips that come with some Geeetech printers. The problem is that the metal clips can cause a short circuit on the underside of the heated bed when they scratch away the paint. By using these bed clips, you eliminate the problem of short circuits. This is a newer version than my previous bed clip. The issue I had was that the clip would not offer enough grip after a few prints. The reason was that the "springy" part would get too close to the heat bed, get soft, and lose the tension. This version 2 solves this by moving the spring part away from the bed, and also adds a separator so you cannot push it too close to the bed. This should work on all recent Geeetech printers with a super plate (About 5.5mm total thickness of heatbed + glass plate), including A10, A10M, A20M, A30. Tested on my A10M. I printed my clips with PETG and they are super tight even after a few prints now. Other materials might also work, please try and give feedback! :) Print upright. Mine kept coming off the bed, so I finally settled for a brim, even though I need to remove it from the part in the end.