Titan Aqua Klon Extruder Mount for Prusa MK3

Titan Aqua Klon Extruder Mount for Prusa MK3


First I want to thank Chris Vahi for his excellent job, not only he designed and tested the parts from what I remixed this one, the also gives detailed instructions what you need to change in the firmware. THANK YOU Chris!! Chris original design consists of many parts. I only needed to redesign the mount for the Titan Aqua as his version did not fit to my Klon from D-Force(Aliexpress). Go check out his original part (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3150843) for the other files and the excellent instructions. So I had the problem that the mount from Chris was to thick and pressed against the pneumatic fittings. This is not good, either you bend the thin alu plate from the hot end or you may damage the threads in that plate for the pneumatic fittings. In both case you may end up with a leaking system. I guess the root cause of this issue is that I don't use a E3D Titan Aqua, but instead a cheap chinese knock off from D-Force(Aliexpress). I guess that Chris design might just work perfectly with the original E3D Titan Aqua. So I imported his mount and cut away a pice on one side and then beefed up the other side to not lose any rigidity. Not there is enough space that you can even properly push the release ring on the pneumatic fittings. If you are interested in more. I am building a complete Prusa MK3 Klon only with Chinese parts from Aliexpress and also a Prusa MMU 2 Klon also with Chinese parts. I made some modifications like the Titan Aqua Hot end and replaced most 3D printed parts with CNC machined alu parts. But the Klon will have all Prusa features like PowerFail, Fan Monitoring, Bed Leveling etc. You can follow this project here -> https://theprusamk3clone.blogspot.com ##### Update 1 (30.12.2018) ##### When I mounted the fan shroud from Chris design I noticed that the relative distance to the nozzle is different from the original Prusa design. Air was blowing on the heat block and not on the print part. So I remixed the fan mount design that Chris made and changed the position by a few mm. You can see the difference in the pictures. The fan mount needs to be printed with support from the build plate. You might need to deburr the edge, otherwise you fan shroud might tilt when you tighten the screw.



