Kraken Pendant (Mythological Elements)

Kraken Pendant (Mythological Elements)


This pendant is part of a series, inspired by mythological creatures that embody the power of the elements. If you would enjoy owning this pendant printed in <b>metal or a higher quality plastic</b>, please consider dropping by <a href="">my shapeways store</a>. <i>Water is represented by the Kraken, a giant sea monster from Scandinavian legend. It is said to be so large as to be frequently mistaken for an island and thus, when it would dive back into the depths, it would leave a maelstrom in its wake that would drag down all ships in the vicinity. It would catch men and ship alike, up to the biggest man-o'-war, and either swallow them whole or drag them with it to the bottom of the ocean. Many a lost ship was blamed on it and many a yarn spun about it out of the mere sighting of a squid.</i> The series is designed so that each pendant can be hung by two loops at its top and can be personalised by the wearer. The design allows the pendant to be incorporated into a necklace with pearls or other trinkets, giving room for further embellisments to be hung both between the top loops and to dangle from details in the design. Or if you're not a person for pendants, this design also works nicely for all sorts of decorations! I'm relatively new to 3D-modelling and -printing, but this piece printed nicely for me, so I hope it works out fine for anyone else that wants to give it a try. Enjoy and let me know how yours turned out!






