Kanetana 0.5

Kanetana 0.5


No reason to use this anymore, try 0.7 or 0.8. Another revision in my fixed magazine project. This is conceptually the same as version 0.4, but broken up differently so as to better deal with warp. The mounting holes through the side are gone, but the way that the flange mounted magazine and receiver connect gives an opportunity to put a plate between them with the proper hole pattern, and connect to the rest of the blaster through that. There still isn't an end-of-travel limit for the swinging dart door, which is a big deal but not an insurmountable obstacle. Also, the width on the receiver flanges is larger than the width of the magazine flanges, which was just a modelling error. Like 0.3 and 0.4, this uses 2x 12mm x 3mm neodymium magnet discs, as well as a replacement spring for the nerf drum magazines from foamblastshop.com . The video for 0.6 includes a bit about 0.4 and 0.5 as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ni68yOdogs



