dual effector e3d v6
Dual effector for delta. I wanted to start with dual printing, however the dual setups i tried frustrated me. Al the time 1 nozzle would be lower than the other on. There are effectors that make you adjust the nozzle high. However these effectors are not the same setup as mij default effector. And the way to adjust the z high is very complex. This setup uses a clamping ring with thread. The hot end can be higher and lower by rotating the clamp. The dual fan holder has an 3 mm hole in the center. So the fan holder as effector can be bolted together. It can be tough to slide the fan holden on, you might have to bend the 2 inner flaps a little bit. The fan is a key part for the stability off both heatsinks. After leveling don't forget to both the parts together wit a 3mm bolt. The e3d v6 mounting has an 30mm offset. Effector mounting rods to middle 25mm Added a cleaning ring for thread. And wrench for the effector setup. The wrench is used for rotating the clamps, you can also use a other tool. Based my dualfan holder on the design from joshuarowley42 (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:340312) And used the E3D lite 6 hotend CAD model from fede27 for reverence during drawing the design. And rendering purpose. (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1718350)