Pilot Gel Pen that fits LG2RF-8F BLS-G2-7 refill
Last month, I went to Taiwan and bought a really cool green fountain pen. Going between work and home, I was pretty sure I left it on my car seat. So, one day I went fishing for it and instead of finding my beloved pen, I dug up an ink refill from the previous owner of the vehicle (along with about 63 cents in loose change). Anyways, I wasn't about to let this nice premium gel refill go to waste so I made a pen and cap to go around it. I printed the cap twice and super-glued one of them to the non-tip end of the pen. A week later, I found the green fountain pen in the catch-all bowl at home. (rolls eyes) Print upright, no support necessary. Please print with a nice printer like the Fortus 250. If you print this on a consumer grade printer, it'll probably topple over before it finishes; nonetheless, let me know if it works out for ya. If you found this useful, it would bring me great joy to see your work - so be sure to share. :) Or, better yet, please feel free to dump a bitcoin or two here (I'm trying to collect as many as I can before the apocalypse): 1Py3TUeR8noBN2giHyFV1GfB6x3Kh2WEVv ... include a note to the effect of "Hi 3E8, thanks for the Pilot gel pen thing... my life is infinitely better on account of it and please accept this small handful of bitcoins in gratitude". You're welcome! (in advance) :D Also, feel free to peruse my other submissions which are almost as varied as they are many: http://www.thingiverse.com/3E8/designs