Flame Lamp

Flame Lamp


For a newer and improved version on my own website, go to https://www.designuitinspiratie.nl/3d-printer/vuur-lamp/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ambient Light using NeoPixels and a Arduino Nano as a light source :-) The lamps shade is printed in PET-G using the “spiral outer contour mode” without any bottom layers. The base is printed in silver ABS, 0.2mm resolution. For both prints I used a 0.4mm nozzle. The Arduino sketch and library I used are included in the ZIP file. They are from AdaFruit and I just changed it a bit so the LED's slowly change color. For more info: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-neopixel-uberguide/arduino-library-use The 6 LED's are soldered in series to form a ring. Because they can take a max of 60mA each, I took the 5V from the Arduino's internal regulator. I included a simple firing diagram at the picture section. Note: I had to hot-glue the Arduino to the base, so it can't move while plugging the USB cable in and out. If you have any questions, feel free to ask :-) Do you have constructive comments or think I made a mistake? Please tell me :-)






